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New MK8-2500 compact



We have been working intensively on a new frame based on the MK6S12 in order to fulfill a large customer request:
Consistently, the customers were very satisfied with the flight characteristics and in particular the robustness of the frame, but it was often noted that the dimensions of the copter do not make transportation really easy. Although the MK6S12 actually fits easily into the trunk of a middle-sized vehicle, but due to its design, it requires space accordingly.

The new copter now has telescopic arms with a simple and effective mechanism.
The arrangement of the rotors was also optimized, so that we have now created a very space-saving version.
It was important not to negatively influence the stability of the frame by complicated mechanics - that is what we have achieved with this solution.

The copter weight and flight parameters are similar to those of the proven MK6S12.


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